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God blesses order


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day” (Genesis 1:1-2, 31).

In the book of Genesis, we are able to see how the earth was disordered and how the first thing God did before creating mankind, was put everything in order. He separated darkness from light and created everything that mankind would need.

In this passage, we are able to find one of the keys that will help us receive God’s blessing, which is “order”. Many of the times we desire to be blessed and prospered, but we live a disordered life, whether it is at personal level, family, finances or physically; and this is why we do not see the results we expect. For God to bless us, we need to put our lives in order in the following areas:

First, it is necessary to evaluate ourselves and bring order to our lives.
We need to order our life before God by departing from sin and from the disordered life without Him.
We have to take care of our health, eat better, exercise and be more disciplined.
We must order our way of speaking, our way of reacting before problems, not wasting time;instead taking advantage of studying, exercising and growing every day.

ORDER IN THE FINANCES: Matthew 25:14-21
God wants us to learn to be good administrators of the things He gives us. This starts by making a budget that will really help us see how much income we have and how much we spend.

We must learn to live according to our income and ask for wisdom so that we do not misuse what we receive, nor obtain unnecessary debts, such as: buying houses we cannot pay off, cars from thedealer-ship that are out of our budget and entertainment that we can avoid (cable, eating out-doors, etc.)

God wants to prosper us and in order for Him to dothat we need to prioritize what we invest into, how we spend our money and place God and our family as our first priority.

Think about it:

Is order important to prosper in life?
How can we order our finances?

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