Service is the Christian’s mark (Part 2)

Part 2

23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Colossians 3:23 (NLT)

How and where can we serve? The Bible says that everything we do should be done whole heartedly for the Lord, and not for men. This means that you can do your job at the mechanic shop or manage your own business, in such a way that men notice something different in your way of doing things and treating others; and that is by serving them.

It will be noticed in very simple things like giving up your seat for another person on the bus or when your coworkers see you work with joy; when they see that you no longer lie about your hours nor steal material from the company. It will be noticeable when your family sees you pick up your plate and put it in the dishwasher or put your dirty clothes where they belong.

Service + clean motivations = praising God.

It is not only about serving, but about serving for the right reason; not seeking praise from others so that we are highly esteemed, but selflessly giving by grace what we have freely received.

When someone serves with selfish motives, sooner or later they will be frustrated, because the Word says that God will bring to light all of the incorrect motivations of our heart.

When a young man starts to help out in the congregation only to win over a girl’s heart, soon after they get married, it will be bothersome for him to even help the church. His objective was only to conquer that young girl and now he has no other purpose to keep him motivated to serve.
I must serve because the gifts and abilities that I have were given to me by God for that purpose. He did not give them to me just to look good.

Time to Reflect:

Today do three things to help others at home, yourwork place, your church, your community, etc. What things will you do for them?
What gifts and abilities can you use to serve God and those who surround you?