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Service is the Christian’s mark

Part 1

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done. Proverbs 19:17 (NIV)

One day while I was using the restroom at a restaurant, a man suddenly came in and looked at me with astrange confused attitude… why? He had seen me picking up a bunch of paper towels from the floor and pushing them downward in atrashcan that was overflowing with garbage. This is something I do automatically without even thinking, sometimes I do this in public places like airports or restaurants.

People will know we are Christians because of our service. They will see something different in us when they see our generous attitude. They will know us as God’s children when we show that our intention is to benefit our community, and not for our community to benefit us.
Verbal preaching is not the only way to let other people know we are Christians, nor is it the most effective way. In fact, the Bible says that we should be known as people who serve Christ
(1 Corinthians 4:1).

It is easy for our neighbor to say we serve Jesus when they see us working in an area of the church.  But, how will the people outside of church know I am a believer? Through our service.

People shouldn’t know us because “we carry a Bible under our arm”, instead they should know us because we are individuals that live with the purpose to benefit those who surround us; that they see we are a people who do not burden our government, but who instead we enrich the place in which we live. Jesus Christ said he came to serve and not to be served.

Think about it:

How can you show people that you are a believer?
Today, are you willing to serve, help or sacrifice something for someone else?

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