43 When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” 44 The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” John 11:43-44
The Lord didn’t come to Lazarus immediately, instead he came four days after his death. He knew that it wasn’t too late for God to manifest a miracle, even though many believed nothing could be done. There are marriages and people that think there are no more solutions or they feel hopeless, but there is nothing impossible for God.
How can we do the natural so that God does the supernatural?
1. We must pray.
– Before God resurrects your Lazarus, first you need to get on your knees and pray.
– Don’t ask the Lord to do the natural, because that corresponds to you. Instead, we must declare that God already did the supernatural in the name of Jesus.
2. We need to remove the stone.
– The stone might be a wrong attitude, a lack of faith, fear or something that hinders your miracle or God’s intervention. If we want to see changes then we need to make changes.
3. Take off the grave clothes.
– After being dead for four days, surely Lazarus smelled bad, but still Jesus said, “take off the grave clothes” so that he could be set free.
– Having your hands wrapped with strips of linen means that whatever we do does not prosper. There are many people that are stagnant, because they are wrapped in stripped linen; but you and I must take of the grave clothes through forgiveness, letting go of the past and overcoming our fears.
Do not fear nor distrust God, even when His plans seem unknown and mysterious. Believe in the Lord and you will see His glory.
Time to Reflect:
What Stone do you need to remove so that God resurrects your Lazarus? What changes do you have to make?
Where have you put your trust? Is it on God or your circumstances?