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The way towards wisdom


… wisdom comes from heaven. It is pure and it loves peace, it always is kind and willing to yield before others. It is full of compassion and the fruit of good deeds. It does not show favoritism and it always is sincere. James 2:17 NLT

There may be a lot of sources to wisdom, but God’s wisdom produces at least eight unmistakable fruits.

Some characteristics in a wise person:

1. Pure.
This is a person of integrity. Do you know who this is? Someone who behaves the same way in public and in privacy.

2. They love peace.
They are not people who look for fights; nor do they carry gasoline with them to increase the fire during conflicts. Instead, they carry a bucket of water to quench the feuds.

3. They are always kind.
They treat other people with courtesy even when others do not show them kindness.

4. Willing to wait for their turn.
They enjoy seeing others receive credit and it is not hard for them to share recognition for an achievement.

5. They are full of good deeds.
Every day they ask themselves, “How can I do something special for someone today?” “Who can I add value to at my job, school or in my church?

Think about it:

Who can you add value to today?
How can you do it?

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