We need more workers…


These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. Luke 10:2 NLT

The harvest refers to people who need to get closer to God.

Truly, there are many that are not interested in getting to know the Lord, but this passage teaches us that there are hundreds and thousands of people in our city who are ready to accept Christ into their hearts. All they need is someone to invite them to church or a House of Peace.

The harvest is ready to be picked up. People are suffering a lot in a fallen world that is dangerous and complicated; they are ready to come close to the Heavenly Father, they only need someone to take their time to guide them and disciple them.

Thousands of people are looking for solutions in their complex lives, answers that they have not found in politicians, doctors, police officers or psychologists; yet, they are open to accept that God is the only one who can bring true peace to their homes, health, bodies, and finances.

The harvest of thousands of souls is ready, but stop praying for the souls and start praying for more workers.

Think about it:

As a worker in the Kingdom of Heaven, what are you doing to take care of people?
Will you take someone to church or to the House of Peace this week?