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Pastor Guillermo Jiménez

Don’t let…


“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. John 14:1 NLT

Notice that Jesus gave a command in regards to stress and anxiety: “don’t let”. This is an action. Do not allow this to happen you and do not receive it.

This is saying that we will have to deal with constant darts that come toward us due to worries and problems in the world that try to steal our peace. This is inevitable, since the Bible says that in the last days, wickedness would be multiplied.

The Word tells us that we will have problems, but Jesus said that in the middle of the everyday stress, “don’t let your hearts be troubled”.

What is the opposite?

1. Trusting God. Trusting in His Word. Trusting in daily prayer.

2. Reject every thought that is rubbish, you have the power to stop it from making a nest in your head.

You will be tempted to be stressed today, because of difficult situations at work, school, in marriage, finances or in your health, yet Jesus said, “don’t let your hearts be troubled”. Guard your heart and remember that God will never fail you.

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.” John 14:1 NLT

Think about it:

In which aspect of your life do you need to trust God? What are you worried about?
How is your heart doing right now? Remember: The state of your heart, reflects the state of your life.

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