How to manage your dreams


One night Joseph had a dream, and when he told his brothers about it, they hated him more than ever. 8 His brothers responded, “…. Do you actually think you will reign over us?” … Genesis 37:5, 8 NLT

There are two kinds of people: the dream releasers and the dream killers. Those who rejoice when others are successful and those who are envious because their insecurity cannot bear to see others achieve greatness.

What kind of person are you?

Joseph had a calling from God, but he told the wrong people his dream and they ended up throwing him into a cistern.

When you have big goals, you will also have big critics. When you have a great dream in your spiritual, family, business, or ministerial life, watch out for the following:

1. Watch who you tell. Do not share your dreams with fatal people. If they don’t believe your dreams are possible, they will prove and make sure “they can’t be done”.

2. Watch who you associate with. Socialize with people of faith that are sure of themselves and that do not fear your success.

3. Watch how you share your vision.
One night Joseph had a dream, and when he told his brothers about it, they hated him more than ever. Genesis 37:5 NLT

Always give God the credit and show others how your projects will benefit them. No one wants to be with a leader who only wants to satisfy their inflated ego. Instead, show others how your dream will add value to their lives.

Think About It:

How are you communicating your dreams? Are you transmitting your dreams to satisfy your ego or to show others how it benefits them?
Do you rejoice when others are successful or are you the person that can’t bear it because of your insecurity?
Who have you shared your dreams with lately? What effect have your dreams had in others?