The Lord gave you a garden


The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. Genesis 2:15 NLT

Just as Adam was placed in the garden of Eden, God has also placed you in a garden and He has given it to you.

You are not residing in this city nor congregating in this church, because of an accident; and the family you have today is not by chance. God is not a god of accidents, but of purposes.

Your home, church and job has been given to you with a purpose. The Heavenly Father expects you to tend, fructify and bless the place He has entrusted you.

It is your duty to protect the garden that represents your spiritual family, by serving God through serving people. He placed you in this church you are, so that together with your brothers in Christ, you can help watch over His flock.

Today, make your garden fruitful by inviting someone to church or to your house of peace.

Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it… Genesis 1:28 NLT

Think about it:

Have you been tending the garden God gave you?
What areas of your life need to be plowed so that they can be fruitful?