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Pastor Guillermo Jiménez

First what’s first…. then the blessing


Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine (Proverbs 3:9-10).

What a shame that there are marriages destroying themselves because of financial frictions. What a shame that we live in a culture where lying and cheating are the order of the day.

How to live in prosperity?

1. We must give the “firstborn”.
Giving God what is first, requires faith. When I give God what is first, I am saying: I depend on you, not on my leadership, not on my communication abilities nor on my strength. I depend on you.

2. We must bring our firsts to the house of the Lord.
It’s not wrong to help the Red Cross or a ministry on television, but you don’t give your first fruits to those places. The first income you receive, must first be taken to the Lord’s house (your church).

3. We need to understand that this is not about the law or grace. This is simply one of God’s eternal principles.
If something was a sin under the law, does that mean it is not a sin under grace? Allow me to ask the men a question: Would you let another man tell you that adultery was prohibited under the law, but since we are in the grace period, it no longer is a sin; therefore, I’d like to be with your wife? What would you think?
Just as adultery continues to be a sin in the law and in grace, tithing continues to be an act of worship towards God in the law and in grace. Thus, this is an eternal principle established by God.

4. We must comprehend that justice in the grace period is always superior than the justice in the law.    
Each time Jesus refers to the law in the old covenant, he puts a higher a standard in the grace period. For example: In Exodus 20, the law said: you shall not kill, but in Matthew 5:20 Jesus said: in grace, you shouldn’t even allow yourself to get so mad to the point you hate your brother.
In order to leave behind a blessed legacy for our upcoming generations, we have to apply these eternal principles to harvest lasting fruits. Let’s remember that every blessing is subject to our obedience.

Think About It:

What have you been doing with what is first? How have you invested the first time of your day, before going to work? What can you do to start leaving behind a blessed legacy for your family?

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