Seriously? Are you the only one left?
Just as Elijah, how many times have you complained and thought you have been left alone because no one understands or supports you?
Sometimes, crises blind us and cause us to exaggerate our problems. Don’t make your problems bigger than God. Remember that there is nothing impossible for Him. He allows you to go through difficult situations in order to weigh your heart and test your faith.
The Bible says that God answered Elijah by reminding him about reality:
What is your reality? Many times, problems make you see a false reality, when the truth is that the Lord is with you and that no one can stand against you, because He fights for you.
You are not alone; don’t exaggerate. There are still many people who love you and who want to serve the Lord with you. Go to your church this Sunday and look for the kind of friends that will help you go forward, encourage you and inspire you. Get up and keep walking.
Think About It:
How have you been interpreting your reality?
In which area of your life do you need to recover your vision?