We have two options when someone has done wrong to us, when someone has betrayed our trust, lied about us, ruined our reputation, or criticized us. We can get even or leave it to the righteous anger of God.
Remember, the Lord will not necessarily do what you want Him to do, because mankind’s anger is unrighteous, malicious, and full of resentment. However, God’s anger is righteous and holy.
Two truths we have to understand in order to allow God to make justice:
1. Offenses are inevitable.
While we are on earth and in this physical body, we will experience offense and hardships in life. Nevertheless, we must forgive immediately, because forgiveness is not a feeling, but a decision that the offended must do for their own good and for the good of others.
2. Those who are offended lose.
There are three reasons as to why we may stumble over offenses. It can be because of injustice, because the Lord is dealing with our hearts or because of disobedience. At the end of the day, none of them matter, you still lose if you get offended.
The person that corrects you is not at fault, if you get offended neither is God at fault. If you are offended, it is because you have not died to “self” or maybe because you were truly treated unfairly, either way you shouldn’t lose your opportunity to mature and enjoy life. Let go of those who have hurt you and let the Lord take vengeance.
Think about it:
Who do you have to let go of in order to make way for God’s righteous anger?
How can you be set free from the anger and sadness offense produces?