A step of obedience


 After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.” Matthew 3:16-17 NLT

It is true that most of us would love to experience open heavens over our lives and to hear God’s voice affirming us. The Bible says that this is exactly what happened to Jesus Christ after he took a step of obedience and got baptized.

This heavenly experience that Jesus had was one of the most impressive scenes recorded in the Word of God, because it was there where the Trinity was manifested, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Would you like to have a supernatural experience with God?

The previous passage mentions three steps that happened after the baptism of Jesus Christ.

1. The heavens were opened.
Do you want to live this life with open heavens? Then, take the step of obedience that God is asking you to take today. Your obedience will cause the heavens to be opened over your life, but before receiving His blessing you have to obey.

2. The Spirit of God descended.
You need the power of the Holy Spirit in order to triumph in such a difficult world. When you are full of the Spirit of God, you also have the fruit of the Spirit which helps you remain in holiness and operating in the supernatural.

3. The Father’s voice was heard and He affirmed His son.
Would you like to hear the Heavenly Father tell you He loves you and that He is pleased with you? All you need to do is obey His commandments. Obedience is an act that confirms you truly love God. It is a step you take when you really fear and trust the Lord.
It’s time for you to respond in obedience and that you do what God is calling you to do. Once you decide to obey, you will have a supernatural encounter with the Heavenly Father.

And a voice from heaven said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.” Matthew 3:17 NLT

Think about it:

What step of obedience is God asking you to take?
Have you had any supernatural encounters with the Heavenly Father lately?