Many years ago, my life was very different. I was someone negative, depressed, angry and I had a foul mouth. The time came when I finally understood that this wasn’t the best way to live, and I wanted to change. I tried so many times to stop saying curse words and speaking vulgarity. I even made promises to God in exchange for His help, but nothing worked.
One day I started going to church and the Lord filled me with His Holy Spirit. This marked an unexplainable change in my life. Suddenly, I noticed that I no longer used curse words. I was so surprised, because I had been struggling to change in my own strength and nothing ever happened. Without a doubt the Holy Spirit had changed me into a different person.
In the same way, I was able to overcome the bitterness and anger that was in my heart. I changed from being someone that was depressed and negative to an excited man who lived with purpose in the world.
The Bible says:
When you are full the Holy Spirit changes you. When you are full of the Holy Spirit you can have success; you stop doing things in your own strength and start to depend on God’s supernatural power.
The prophet told Saul that after receiving the Holy Spirit’s power, he would be able to do anything that was at his reach.
Stop fighting on your own and ask God to fill you with His Spirit and then go, and do great things for Him. He changed Saul’s heart and He wants to change yours, too.
Think about it:
In which area of your life do you need the Holy Spirit’s power?
Have you been frustrated, because you’re fighting in your mere human strength?