1. Society is suffering a spiritual and moral decay.
This is what was happening in ancient times with the people of Israel, and still we see how our land continues to suffer just as it did in the past.
Society is hurting, and many times people feel discouraged, they are wasting away and they are losing the hope of having a better life.
2. You and I can and should improve our community.
The good news is that the following verse helps me understand that I can and I must do my part to better my society, my home, my church, my school, and my workplace.
We people will not be remembered by what we took from the world, but by what we contribute to it while we are still alive. We cannot take anything with us once we leave this world. The most important thing isn’t to know how bad the world was when you were born, instead it is to know how much you contributed to it to improve it while you were still alive.
Do not complain about the condition in which you found the world when you were born, instead think about how the world’s condition will continue after you die.
Think about it:
What can I do to improve my marriage, my children, my church, my school, and the atmosphere at my business or secular job?
How can I be of influence in my society?