Many times, the human being fails to have a successful life because they stop seeking God.
This makes me think about how sometimes we start to trust in our own abilities, education, connections with people of influence, or in our own insight when it comes to business, and as a result, we stop seeking God with the same passion we use to.
Though this verse says, “seek me and live”, this does not mean that we are dead, however, there are several people that may be living, while still having things that are dead in their lives, such as their dreams or their marriage. They are “living-dead”, because they are only existing, not living.
Why does this happen? Because people stop seeking God. They make seeking Him a simple religion or a secondary thing they do in life.
What is the solution? What can we do to dream again, to live passionately, to restore our dreams in our families and to revive our goals in our marriages, ministries or businesses?
Return to God in worship, and do not leave your house before having an intentional appointment with him every morning.
Think about it:
What things have died in your life that need to resurrect in order to help you fulfill your purpose on earth?
Why do you think seeking the Lord brings life to your dreams and reason for existence?