There was a lady that once told me, “My husband is always in a bad mood and I already told him that if he doesn’t change the kids are not going to want to be at home and they will move away. My husband is a very difficult and negative person. I don’t know why I married him”.
It is so hard to live with people like that!
Personally, it is hard for me to fellowship with people who are negative and always complaining. On the other hand, I do enjoy being friends with positive people that are full of faith, wisdom and that share conversations that make me a better husband, father, and human being.
If we want to have friends and enjoy good relationships at home, work and at church, then we need to make the effort to become wise people so that others know that our friendship and conversations will add value to their lives.
The person who has friends must also be a positive friend to others. The person who has friends is someone who attracts others because of their way of being, their optimistic attitude and their wisdom.
The people who were close to Solomon were happy and full of joy. What do the people that surround you say about you? Are your conversations constructive? Do people feel comfortable with you? All this reflects the kind of friend you are.
Think about it:
Who are your friends?
Do you consider yourself a pleasant person?