The world is an expert at offering us the moon and the stars, but at the end all its offers bring problems. Today I want to teach you what Apostle John reveals to us in the previous verse. What are the three main offers the world makes us and that causes us problems?
1.Physical pleasure.
The world bribes us to sell our morality in exchange for physical pleasure that is only momentary.
2. A craving for what we see.
The world uses the marketing industry to entice our feelings and create a need in us. This is why we see something on television or at the mall and suddenly we think that we need a new suit or jewelry; but we really don’t need them.
3. Pride.
The world values us whenever we obtain possessions or achievements, but it doesn’t recognize us for who we really are. The world calls us someone important when we attain a title, a higher salary, or property; but God has given us an identity and before His eyes we are someone whether we have possessions or not.
Offers will always be made to us, but not all of them benefit us. So, what does God recommend to keep us focused on what is eternal rather than what is temporary?
Think about it:
What offers has the world made to you that have caused you to lose your focus on what truly is important?
How can you re-focus your thoughts on the eternal things?