Difficulties are inevitable and sooner or later they will come. There are people who collapse like a house that has no foundations, because they have no character, but there are others who resist, and they are the ones who obtain the victory in life.
The foundations of our character determine if our house will remain during the storms or if it will collapse. The level of maturity in people predict who will be successful in life and who will be average, it predicts who will complete the race or who will quit half way; it predicts who will have a healthy marriage and who will be part of the statistics of divorce, and it predicts who will finish their college education and who will leave it half way.
What individuals are considered those who have a mature character, because they can resist the tests of life more easily? Those who listen to God’s teaching and follow through.
The Word teaches us:
God made us strong and brave beings, we simply have to believe it so that we become like the house that is well built. Many faint during the process of maturity, because they think they cannot withstand the floodwaters that rise against them. However, God made us strong and He gave us the ability to resist any inevitable crisis. The question is, can you believe in yourself and believe you are strong enough to not collapse in the middle of the stirring of your faith?
Further on, the Word teaches us that:
Remember that we are all running this good race of life, and we are all strong enough to finish till the end, we just have to believe it. Whatever you instill and believe in your mind will determine who you will be and what you will do in life. We are not alone; the Lord is still running with us showing us that anything is possible.
Think about it:
What goals do you need to believe are possible?
What kind of future is your character predicting?