1.- When we do well, let’s not forget those people who blessed us at some point in our lives. Let’s be grateful for the people God place in our life to extend their hand out to us when we arrived to this country, or for the job they gave us, that they brought us to the feet of Christ, prayed for us when we really needed it, etc. Let’s always pray for them and bless them.
2.- Let’s be a blessing to others now, just as someone was a blessing to us in the past. God has blessed us so we can be of blessing, what we have received by grace, let’s now give it in grace.
Let us help, just as we were helped!
Think about it:
What could you do in a way of gratitude for those people who were a blessing to your life in the past? How long have you not called them to see how they are doing?
What person do you know is going through some need and that you can bless this week?