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“Likewise, all the leaders of the priests and the people became more and more unfaithful…” (2 Chronicles 36:14 NLT).

A leader reproduces what they are not what they say.

A few days ago, Dinora and I were watching a video where a baby boy was praying and thanking God for his food—all by himself and in his own words. The baby was barely able to pronounce any words; however, the question is how did this baby learn to do this?

Most likely this baby boy is doing what he has seen his parents do before they eat.I’m sure he thought, “If my parents (the leaders) pray, then ME TOO—I will do the SAME.

An influential person or an authority figure such as a parent, a husband, a supervisor, or a teacher has the privilege and responsibility to be an example that others can follow; and they inspire others to do the same things they do. You can influence others in a positive or negative way, you might be an excellent or terrible role model, but the way you carry yourself can either bless your children at home or curse an entire community.

The King (the leader) Zedekiah was a rebellious individual who was hard and stubborn, and his leaders became just like him. Notice this passage specifically says that the people did “likewise” or “the same thing” the main leader (the king) did.

Today, I encourage you to decide to be a good example whether it is a home, school, work, or the ministry. You might not realize this, but many people are watching you and those who follow you will do what you do.

“Likewise, all the leaders of the priests and the people became more and more unfaithful…” (2 Chronicles 36:14 NLT).

Think about it:
What behaviors are you multiplying with the influence God has given you at home, work, school, or church?
What do you want to transmit with your example?

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