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Set limits


“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty” (Proverbs 22:3 NIV).

Intheworld there are people who have problems because they haven’t learned how to set limits in their life. People like this have let other people transfer the responsibilities of their actions upon their lives.

It is not your fault if someone wants to be simple and pay thepenaltyof their actions. I am going to tell you a brief story about two parents who were having “serious” problems with their daughter.

These parents decided to go to a psychologist to get help with their daughter. The parents told the psychologist, “Doctor, our daughter has many problems and we are desperate because we don’t know what to do. We are worried.” The doctor replied, “Oh, this sounds serious. Well, tell me. What is your daughter’s problem?”.

The parents answered, “Our baby is only 24 years old and she doesn’t want to work, she eats a lot, she gets home very late, she sleeps all day, and oh doctor, it looks like she is starting to like sex. She no longer listens to us and we don’t know what to do”. The doctor just looks at them for a moment and says, “I think that your daughter doesn’t have a problem, the ones who have a problem are both of you. You have not allowed her to have her own problems, because you’re taking them away from her”.

This story proves that it is necessary to establish limits at home with your sons and daughters; it shows that it is important tosetrules, so that everyone at home is responsible for their own actions. It is not healthy neither right to take ownership of others’ problems, especially when they’re adults like these parents’ 24-year-old daughter.When you make yourself responsible for others’ problems, it can cause us unnecessary problems, but above all, it can delay our process of maturity.

Limits should be set in every area ofourlife, because it we don’t set them, then we will get into situations where we will cross the limits of respect with others, and vice versa.The simple keep going on and they pay the penalty of not setting limits, but the wise prevent the penalties that come with not setting limits by establishing them in the beginning.

Today, I encourage you to set limits at home, with your family, in your marriage, with your friends, at work, etc. Be prudent and prevent beforehand the penalty of not having limits in your life.

“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty” (Proverbs 22:3 NIV).

Think about it:
How can you establish limits in the area of your life that is causing you problems?
Lately, have you trespassed the limits with someone or do you feel someone has done this with you?

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