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Take advantage of the temporary things


“Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me’” (Matthew 19:21 NIV).

God has given us temporary things to advance the eternal things. He has given us wealth and many resources to bless people. Notice that the passage says, “If you want to be perfect…”(Matthew 19:21 NIV). It is true that we are in the process of becoming perfect as we become more like Christ in our daily walk, but to “be perfect”—in this case— is to have a “willing heart”.

We all know that at the end this young man failed to understand the revelation within the words Jesus told him. Why? Because he didn’t take advantage of the temporary resources to advance God’s Kingdom and bless the poor. Perhaps, in hismind he thought, “I have so much wealth, I can’t just give it all away, it’s to valuable”. He didn’t understand that everything that God asks for will be return a hundred times more!

Wealth is temporary, even on earth—one day we have money, the next day we don’t. Everything is a matter of the heart, whether your heart is placed on God and the eternal things or on the temporary things.

The temporary things will never bring complete satisfaction to your being, in fact, many times it will cause a void inside of you, not because it is bad to have abundant temporary resources, but because you have placed your trust in something that can be taken from you.

Today, I encourage you to use what God has given you to bless somebody else. Every time you invest your energy, time, or wealth to benefit God and people, the blessings in store for you are multiplied at a hundred and one percent. Take advantage of what is temporary so that you accumulate eternal treasure in heaven.

“Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me’” (Matthew 19:21 NIV).

Think about it:
What resources or wealth has God placed in your hands?
Do you feel satisfied as a person in your life?
What can you do today to fill your satisfaction tank?

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