The solution to distractions


“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1 NIV).

When we are in a tight place in life, we tend to seek for a solution everywhere, yet we never look above. What do I mean when I say “above”? I am referring to heaven, where God the Father’s throne is. Maybe, you are aware that there are a few distractions in your life that are diverting you from your purpose, but you don’t know how to solve this matter.

The first step that you must take to be free from all distractions is, to be honest with yourself and God. What relationships, things, or places do you have to let go to continue fulfilling your purpose? It is hard to let go of things we are attached to, but when they represent a distraction in our life, then we have to let them go.

The second step you must take is to repent so that change can happen your life. The moment you repent, the devil loses his grip over you and he is dethroned from your mind and your heart. Repentance is not to feel bad because you allowed distractions to govern your life, instead, it is to sincerely turn toward the right path and make true changes.

Look, when you seek the things that are above, and you fix your eyes on them when you finally set your mind on your purpose, then you will attract your purpose. If you set your mind on your goals, then you will attract your goals. Seek the blessings that are above, because they have your name on them.

You don’t have time to be distracted, God needs you to focus on Him completely. The Lord doesn’t want half of your attention, He wants all of your attention. Today, I invite you to take the necessary steps so that God gives you the clarity you need to fulfill your purpose.

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1 NIV).

Think about it:
What steps do you need to take to be free from distractions?
What changes do you need to make today to clarify your purpose?