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Simply say: “Because the Lord needs it”


 If anyone asks, ‘Why are you untying that colt?’ just say, ‘The Lord needs it.’” (Luke 19:31)

If anyone asks, “why did Guillermo and Dinora give up their personal dreams and sacrifice their youth?”, simply tell them that it was because the Lord needed them to pastor in the city of Las Vegas and form forty thousand disciples.

If the Lord can use a donkey for his purposes, then the Lord can use me and you, too.

We are not animals, but what I want to say here We are not animals, but what I want to say here is that if the Lord can use an animal, then with more reason he uses human beings. He created us with a purpose

Why should I give my life to God? Because he needs me to preach.

Why should I get up to pray? Because God needs someone to intercede for human beings, someone to provoke miracles, someone who stands in the gap for his or her city.

Why did God choose me as a pastor when I was not qualified to be a pastor?

-Because the Lord needs me to be pastor in this city with forty thousand disciples.

-Because those who did qualify did not want to believe God.

Why did the Lord save, heal, and free me?

Because he needs me to help him fulfill the dream he has of reconciling God and man.

Why should I die to self? So, if anyone asks, “Why did Guillermo and Dinora give up their personal dreams and sacrifice their youth?” simply tell them that it was because the Lord needed them to help make possible God’s dreams on this earth.

Why? Because the Lord needs it.

Ask God in prayer to show you the area he needs you to serve him in, for him to show you the purpose he has for your life.

 If anyone asks, ‘Why are you untying that colt?’ just say, ‘The Lord needs it.’” (Luke 19:31)

Think about it:

What is the purpose of God for your life?

What has God asked you for that you still have not done?

In what area of your life will you begin to serve God this year?

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