City of refuge


“Designate cities of refuge to which people can flee if they have killed someone accidentally.” (Numbers 35:11 NLT)

The cities of refuge were places where one could live if they accidentally killed someone. In other words, someone who did something wrong on accident would go to these cities for personal protection.
Otherwise, they would fall victims of revenge from other people.

“These cities will be places of protection from a dead person’s relatives who want to avenge the death.” (Numbers 35:12 NLT)

The present-day application for this is that we have all done bad things and the consequence of our sins is punishment and hell. However, there is refuge…

1. Jesus Christ is a secure refuge in whom we can all come, and that way the Devil cannot destroy us.

2. The Church is a place of refuge where we all come with sins and mistakes, but God restores us there and makes us productive to society.

3. The Church should be a place of refuge for marriages in crises who seek help, for youth and adults, men and women who need a new opportunity in life.

“Designate cities of refuge to which people can flee if they have killed someone accidentally.” (Numbers 35:11 NLT)

Think about it:

Who do you seek refuge with in times of trouble?
Are you in need of refuge right now?
How long will you resist until you find refuge in the only one who can give you new life?