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Place yourself between the living and dead


He stood between the dead and the living, and the plague stopped.
(Numbers 16:48 NLT).

Spiritually speaking, the living represents people who have already received Christ in their hearts and form part of the Church of Christ. The dead represent those who still have not received Christ as their Savior and therefore, are spiritually “dead.”

Placing oneself “between the living and dead” means that we should act as a bridge between those who are already in church and those who are not. We should share our faith with those who suffer through “spiritual death.”
We should preach to those who suffer with common “plagues” in the modern world that destroy families.

These plagues can represent toxic things in our present-day society such as emotional sicknesses, stress, materialism, sin, violence, physical sickness, war, abuse of authority, hopelessness, marriage problems, financial problems, broken relationships, etc.

He stood between the dead and the living, and the plague stopped. (Numbers 16:48 NLT).

Think about it:

Can God count on you? What can you do this week to place yourself “between the living and the dead”? Do you know someone who is currently going through a “plague” that you could share your faith with?

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