Recently, someone asked if I had a time set aside, where I mentally rested from ministry, or if I was constantly attentive to the never-ending pressures of the ministry.
Their question was somewhat precise to this: When do you disconnect from ministry, to physically and emotionally recuperate? With such great responsibilities and work that never seem to end, how do you not get sick from the stress?
It’s indispensable for me to have time alone with God, every day. I can’t function well during the day without my time alone with Him. That time is the source of my spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, relational, and vocational health. It’s where I renew my strength. Where I rest in God from the problems that sometimes seem too big for me. It’s there, that I can refocus and see solutions instead of the difficulties. I look at the possibilities in the middle of the impossible.
Jesus knew there was a time to be at work with the multitudes, but there was also a time that He had to step aside to reconnect with God.
That’s exactly what Jesus wanted to teach his disciples so they could have a successful life. That’s why He took them to be alone, where they’d witness something miraculous.
Several things happened in that place:
1. They witnessed a miracle: The transfiguration of Jesus.
2. They listened to a conversation within a heavenly dimension, between Jesus, Elijah and Moses. (Mat 17: 3)
3. They heard the voice of the Father. (Mat 17: 5)
The same thing happens when we take time alone with God. We obtain vision, we listen to the directions of the Father, in making good decisions during the day and we experience miracles in life.
Think about it:
Are you spending time alone with God?
How is the state of your spiritual, physical and emotional health?
Are you seeing the possibilities and solutions, or do you see the difficulties?