After his son died, King David got up, stopped crying and fasting, ate, and went to worship God.
There is a time to cry, but there is also a moment in life in which we must get up from suffering and continue. Despite the pain he was going through, King David went to worship God because he knew God is not the author of evil and that he had a purpose to fulfill on behalf of God.
If you have been going through a long time of pain because of a certain situation, loss, etc. God wants you to get back up and do what King David did, because He has good plans for your life and not of evil.
What did David do?
1. Got up.
2. Washed himself.
3. Put on lotions (smell like faith, love)
4. Worshiped God.
5. Serve others.
Think about it:
What situation do you have to get up from?
Have you worshipped God despite your suffering?
In what way do you think worshiping and serving God would help you get up and move forward?