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The consequences of being offended and resentful


And though Absalom never spoke to Amnon about this, he hated Amnon deeply because of what he had done to his sister. (2 Samuel 13:22 NLT)

Conflicts should be resolved. We cannot hold on to them in our hearts because then we become full of bitterness and resentment, as it happened to Absalom. Even though he had valid reasons for being offended, his big mistake was not saying anything and keeping it all to himself.

Absalom didn’t know how to handle the concepts of healthy relationships and accountability. He was simply fussy, introverted, and resentful.

Let’s look at everything his immaturity caused:
1. He got offended. Verse 22
2. He killed his brother. Verse 28
3. Vengeful, he didn’t forget. Verse 32
4. He fled. Verses 37,38
5. Handsome but resentful, he burned Joab’s fields down. (2 Samuel 14:25-32)
6. Divising, and he stole hearts. (2 Samuel 15:1-6)
7. He caused a great deal of pain in his father. David did not hold on to the throne and ran crying. (2 Sam. 15:25-30)
8. Out of control. He humiliated his concubines and his father. (2 Sam. 16:22)
9. Those who are offended reproduce themselves. Ahithophel became offended and hung himself. (2 Sam. 17:23)
10. He died. How do those who are offended die?

Think about it:

Have you felt resentful with someone and have kept it in? Are you part of those that quickly fix their conflicts or simply hold everything in?
Do you think you would have healthier relationships and live more happily if you quickly fixed any misunderstanding you may have had biblically and with respect?

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