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Fame that honors God’s name



When the queen of Sheba heard about the fame of Solomon and his relationship to the Lord, she came to test Solomon with hard questions. (1 Kings 10:1 NIV)

Fame that honored the name of the Lord.

There will be occasions in which we will be known for what we do for God. But we cannot confuse this with the fame that human beings generally long for. This fame that comes with the intention of being powerful, well-known, famous, popular, and well-liked.

Someone who serves God recognizes that life is not about him or herself, but about God. They know that we are only administrators and God is the owner. We are only channels, but God is the fountain of blessing. Everything we are and do should point others to God, and not bring attention to ourselves, but to God.

Jesus said:

“Apart from me, you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

What we are is because God made us that way. What we have is because God provided. Where we are is because God brought us there. Where we are going is because God is taking us there.


When the queen of Sheba heard about the fame of Solomon and his relationship to the Lord, she came to test Solomon with hard questions. (1 Kings 10:1 NIV)


Think about it:

Has God given you fame for what you do?

In what way do you give glory to God for what He has let you achieve?

Do you do what you do to attract people toward God or yourself?

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