God consoles us with a purpose, to console others as well.
If you observe your surroundings, there are people in pain, with problems, sickness, difficulties in their marriage, school, work, finances, and it is in such a way that people are irritated in public places.
When suffering, some get sad, others get angry, but it is all a product of not having the peace of God in their hearts.
Who better to console someone with a hospitalized family member? Some who has already gone through it. Who understands a father who has a child in prison? Someone else who has had a child in prison.
God uses our suffering when He consoles us, so that we can learn that it is not with our strengths, or with human philosophy, but with the consolation of God. Those who were down can get back up.
Think about it:
In what way have you experienced God’s consolation?
Has God used someone to bless you in the midst of trials?
Do you know someone who has gone through a tribulation that you can console?