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He who is generous is exalted


But generous people plan to do what is generous,
and they stand firm in their generosity. (Isaiah 32:8 NLT)

Generosity is a Christian virtue that results from a grateful heart and is expressed through good deeds. Us Christians need to be the most grateful people in the world considering that the Lord has forgiven our sins, and this generosity can be expressed through finances for the benefit of the body of Christ.

The most generous one to exist of all time is God, who gave his son Jesus for all of us out of love, his only son.

The Bible also says that the generous will be prosperous:

The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. (Proverbs 11:25 NLT)

Isaiah tells us that the generous will only think of generosity and will be exalted because of that same attitude. We summarize the following:

  1. We cannot pretend to be something we’re not.
  2. We are what we think. We cannot manipulate ourselves. He who is generous will always think of how he can bless others.
  3. Generosity makes a person be exalted. Stinginess makes a person lose real friendships and not be blessed.

When generosity is accompanied by love that comes from God and is inside our hearts, it will be a blessing, and those who do not have God’s love, who are stingy and greedy, those who look away to other people’s needs, will be subject to curse.

Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing,
…but those who close their eyes to poverty will be cursed. (Proverbs 28:27 NLT)

But generous people plan to do what is generous,
and they stand firm in their generosity. (Isaiah 32:8 NLT).

Think about it:

Are you one of those who constantly thinks about blessing others?
What has been your experience in being generous with others?
Who do you think you can bless this week with your generosity?

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