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Manifestations of “me”


But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, the man of God, said to himself, “My master should not have let this Aramean get away without accepting any of his gifts. As surely as the Lord lives, I will chase after him and get something from him.” (2 Kings 5:20 NLT)

There is a part inside of us that is dark, and no one notices it. It seems as though we have a mysterious cape that represents the throne of our hearts and that cape is our ego. It doesn’t control what it speaks, it offends without thinking, makes decisions without consulting God, and easily falls into temptation. The Bible teaches us about a man named Gehazi, servant of Prophet Elisha who was not a great man of God like his master and at some point let his ego and stinginess out, manifesting the following:

1. Disobedience. Gehazi was not obedient nor did he follow the instructions of his master who didn’t accept Naaman’s gift, and he chased after Naaman. Sometimes are ego leads us to disobey our authorities and makes us sin against God.

2. Seek one’s own interests: Gehazi didn’t care what his servant thought of him, ambition led him to think of his own benefit. Ambition for material things can leads us to do dishonest things: steal, lie, cheat, etc.

3. Show what we are really not: Gehazi faked that nothing had happened and hid the gifts he received. Why do we not want people to see certain areas of our lives sometimes?

4. Lie. Naaman’s leprosy was passed onto Gehazi for what he did. The “me” of leprosy, “me” of rebellion, the “me” that didn’t let me, the “me” that does what I want without consulting God, brings problems to our lives. Gehazi lied, disobeyed and paid the consequences for his actions and the saddest part is that his family did as well. Let’s remember that God sees everything.

Because you have done this, you and your descendants will suffer from Naaman’s leprosy forever.” When Gehazi left the room, he was covered with leprosy; his skin was white as snow. (2 Kings 5:27 NLT)

Think about it:

Who do you have in the throne of your heart, “me” or Jesus?
What area has been difficult for you to not fall into temptation?
Is it hard for you to obey your authorities?

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