Before anything…


I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations. (Jeremíah 1:5 NLT)

First, God thought of a purpose for you and then He created you.
He didn’t create you and then say, “Whoops, now what do I do with Guillermo (your name)?”

I formed you…
God formed you. You were not an accident of a sperm and an egg meeting.
You were not the product of evolution or the descendant of a monkey.
He formed you with care. You don’t have your body nor temperament by accident.

In your mother’s womb…
The Lord knitted us in our mother’s womb. Only important things are formed in wombs.
You are not the result of an explosion of gases and chemical substances that suddenly took place.

I knew you…
God knew you before He created you.
He knows all our defects and sins, and He still continues to love us.
He knows all our errors and still takes the risk on you and I to fulfill His purpose.

Before you were born…
First He creates us and then, right before we’re born, He confirms our specific calling once again.

I set you apart…
In other words, I set you apart for …

Appointed you…
First He creates us and then He “appoints” us.
God is our owner, but He gives us as a gift to humanity. Your gifts are a gift for humanity that God loves so much.

As a prophet…
Jeremiah’s function given by God was to be a prophet.
What is your function? Pastor, businessperson, teacher, politician, honest lawyer, etc.

To the nations.
Our purpose should influence all the world, not just my small circle of friends.
Maybe I cannot go to all the world, but my purpose can change my community, city, school, and surroundings.
We are very valuable people to God. We carry something to bless this world with.
Choose and act…
Leave behind the thoughts of self-pity.

I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations. (Jeremíah 1:5 NLT)

Think about it:

Have you added value to the people around you? Are they better because of you?
Is your home, church, or school better with you in it?