Part 2
There are four things that God spoke to His people, Israel, through this verse, and now we can apply it to ourselves when we feel scared due to life’s problems. Yesterday, we learned two points and today, we will learn two more.
3. God promises that we will return to a life of peace and tranquility.
Difficulties steal our peace and alter the lifestyle of our marriage, youth, adults, and children. But, when God becomes the center of our family, then peace and tranquility return.
An alcoholic transforms and peace return to the home and finances are restored. A rageful person is free of the spirit of hate and death and tranquility returns to the person and their family.
4. Bravery and absence of fear.
We can say, “If God is for me, who can be against me?”
We all go through difficulties, but those problems are temporary. God promises that we will return to peace and tranquility, so we shouldn’t fear and should trust God and His promises, because they are yes and amen.
Think about it:
Is there a situation that has stolen your peace?
Is God the center of your family?
Do you think God can return peace and tranquility to you?