Jeremiah was discouraged by opposition, criticism, and many problems and that discouragement was the result of a spiritual battle. But, God uses discouragement to draw us nearer to Him.
We should not give up. Don’t let discouragement defeat you because God has good plans for our lives. Problems want to discourage us, but we find new strengths in God, his Word, fasting, etc. Don’t be discouraged!
The enemy want to discourage you, but God is with you.
What you will receive depends on who you run to during those moments of discouragement. Jeremiah ran to God and He responded:
Sometimes, people treat you badly when you want to do good. Don’t grow weary, learn to defeat discouragement. God will take care of you. Don’t let discouragement overcome you. Problems will always come, but God will take care of you!
Think about it:
What things have made you feel discouraged?
Have you gained strength in God or do you run to someone else during discouraging moments?
In what ways does it help you to know that God takes care of you if you run to Him?