God never stops being patient with you. God never stops believing in you, God never stops bringing you the best in life, He never gives up on you. That is what God expects you to do with others as well.
1. Love never loses faith.
This means that love extends grace. You offer grace to people just like God has given it to you. Love never loses patience.
2. Love never stops believing.
This means that love expresses faith. It doesn’t hold back. You tell it to others, “I believe in you, I know we’ve gone through difficult times, I know that we’ve been through failure and falls, but I will never stop believing in you.” Love extends grace and faith.
3. Love is hopeful. It expects the best.
Are you expecting the best for your marriage or have you conformed to less? Love extends grace, expresses faith, waits on the best, and never holds back hope.
4. Love endures through every circumstance.
You can put me through anything, but I will continue to love you. There is nothing you can do to me that will make me stop loving you, just like there is nothing I can do that will make God love me less. Love endures the worst.
Practice this today in your home and your church.
Think about it:
What are the four “Nevers” you should apply in your home?
Who do you need to have more patience with, how God has had with you?
Are you expecting the best in your marriage or have you conformed with less?