They are corrupt… (Psalm 53:1 NLT)
The problem begins when it is no longer popular to use the word “God” in public places to avoid offending people. Instead, they use alternative phrases like “a higher power” to not explicitly use the word “God.”
The problem gets bigger because people then stop taking God into account not only in public, but in their private lives.
Just like that, little by little, an individual, family, city, or country begins to live a lifestyle without God.
human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God... (Psalm 53:2 NLT)
A foolish person lives a life that doesn’t take God into account, but an intelligent person depends on Him.
Which of the two am I?
You don’t have to act like a religious person shouting “Hallelujah” at work and in a restaurant (unless the moment calls for it). You simply need to be an “intelligent” person who lives a lifestyle that shows others that you believe in God.
Think about it:
Do you consider yourself a foolish or intelligent person?
When was the last time you spoke to someone about God at work or on the street?
Have you taken God into consideration when making decisions?
Have you recognized God as your Lord and Savior?