The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God. (Psalm 51:17 NLT)
Yesterday we were learning four signs of the true repentance king David had, even though he sinned terribly, God forgave him and called him a man after Gods own heart. Today we will learn for other signs:
1.- It is humble. It does not demand rights, it does not demand possessions, it does not demand titles nor inheritance, it is simply humble and accepts the process.
2.- It separates from sin. It stops doing what is bad. There are people that ask for forgiveness again and again and keep repeating the same sin.
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. (Prov. 28:13 KJV).
3.- Restores. It repairs what was damaged. Zacchaeus returned four times wat he had stolen. Example: The one that hurt the spouse must heal them, if you stole or committed fraud it is not only about asking for forgiveness but pay.
Meanwhile, Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said, “I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much!” (Luke 19:8 NLT)
4.- Works to restore trust. It takes work to restore trust. The more influential you are the more work you have and the longer it will take to restore the trust. It is not the same that a brother from church sins than if a pastor sins, it is not the same that a child sins than a parent sins, it is not the same that a student sins than a teacher sins; because they are authority figures. They have to demonstrate their repentance with actions and not only words.
The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God. (Psalm 51:17 NLT)
Which of the four points is the most difficult for you to apply?
Why do you think that it is important that a person is humble when asking for forgiveness?
Do you need to restore trust in someone? What do you think you need to do to achieve it?