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Signs of true repentance


David confessed his guilt:
Then David confessed to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” (2 Samuel 12:13 NLT)

King David sinned terribly by committing adultery and murder, but when Prophet Nathan confronted him, he responded differently than Saul when he sinned. With Saul there was no true repentance, because he justified, he did not accept, and because of that Saul was rejected; but David confessed (Ver. 13).

He said: “I have sinned” that’s why God forgave him. Even though he had consequences (his son died). David did not justify himself; he did not blame anyone, he took responsibility.

Today we will learn four signs of a true repentance and tomorrow an additional four.

1. Quickly recognize. Admit that you have sinned, and do not justify yourself.
2. Confess your sin. You do not have to be discovered; it is not hidden. You do not say: “Where is the proof?”
3. Ask for forgiveness. As long as asking for forgiveness does not cause danger. As long as it does not cause death.
4. Surrender. It does not argue, it does not defend. It says: “Her I am, just tell me what to do and I will follow instructions”.

It does not put conditions.

Then David confessed to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” (2 Samuel 12:13 NLT)


Are you someone that quickly recognizes your mistakes, or do you justify yourself?
Is it easy to ask for forgiveness when you hurt someone or is it hard?
Do you believe that someone that defends themselves and argues is showing true repentance?
Who do you have to ask for forgiveness and show true repentance to?

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