Fear paralyzes you


As soon as the Israelite army saw him, they began to run away in fright. (1 Samuel 17:24 NLT)

This passage speaks about how the entire army of Israel was fearful when the giant Goliath threatened them with words. This was the army! But they ALL had great fear.

God knows that there are many fearful people, that’s why the words “do not fear” show up in the Bible so many times. Example: There are people who won’t start a business because of fear, or they won’t change jobs, drive, etc. because of fear.

1.- Fear is contagious. Maybe it started with just one soldier who was scared, but then everyone was infected with that fear. It was a chain reaction. That’s why we need to get together with people of faith, because that is contagious as well.

2.- Fear is a negative prophecy
. What you fear happens to you, since the Bible says: The tongue can bring death or life.” (Proverbis 18:21 NLT)

What I always feared has happened to me. What I dreaded has come true.  (Job 3:25 NLT)

So, prophesy good things over your life because: “.. Is is impossible to please God without faith.” (Hebrews 11:6 NLT)

Think about it:

Are you one of those which infects people with faith or fear?
Do you hang around with people of faith or fearful people?
Do you regularly speak words of faith (life) or negative words (death)?