1. You should have a daily appointment with God. He never misses. He has important things to tell you every day.
2. This time should be your best time, when your mind is still alert. When you pray at midnight after having done a million things related to work, kids, church, school, washing clothes and then use your last bit of energy at night to watch two hours of TV, you are generally tired and pray only to fall asleep. But your mind is not alert.
For some it might be a good time to speak to God, but not to hear Him.
Each person is different and the best time to pray depends on your lifestyle and job.
You can pray in different ways and at different times of the day, but one of these will be more productive, something like your “entrée.”
Conclusion: Pray with an alert mind, pray with a thankful heart. Find a time that you can give your best to God and can hear Him with an alert mind.
Think about it:
Do you have a daily time with God?
What time of the day do you think is best to pray calmly and alertly?
What difference have you found it to make when you pray first thing in the morning with an alert mind, rather than praying at night when you’re tired?