Abraham honors the memory of his wife Sarah by not accepting for free the land where he wanted to bury the deceased body.
This act shows how he honored his wife.
Honor means: To have high esteem, value over of, recognize the importance of, in other words.
It makes me think that they must have had a good marriage while sarah was alive for her 127 years.
They were married for many years, much more than today’s average couples.
Current statistics show that half of the couples who marry this year will be separated in seven years.
Many spouses today would say “Good thing I got the funeral for free”
Abraham probably thought : “I’m gonna miss you so much. You were the best thing that happened to me on earth. Before God, you were the most important and valued person in my life. I want to continue honoring you, I don’t want anyone paying for your burial, I want to continue being the provider of my home. I want to pay whatever the price may be, you have always been more valuable to me than money. I’m going to miss you so much.”
Think about it:
Assuming you have the finances, would you insist on paying or would you accept free land?
How do you honor your living spouse?
What can you do to demonstrate honor through your actions?