Overcome fears and receive God’s blessings II

Part 2

As soon as the Israelite army saw him, they began to run away in fright. (1 Samuel 17:24 NLT)

Yesterday we spoke about three fears that we need to overcome to receive God’s blessings. Today, we will speak about two more:

1.- Fear of failure. The soldiers did not want to fight the giant Goliath because of fear of failure.

Faith is walking even in the midst of fear, not walking without fear. But, faith shouts: “For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.”. (Filip. 4:13 RV60)

Those who fail are those who never tried anything. Henry Ford forgot to add a reverse function to the first car he designed. Failure is not falling, rather staying down on the ground and not trying again. What dreams has God placed in your life? “The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again.” …. (Prov. 24:16)

2.- Fear of betrayal and rejection. This is strong and greatly hurts the soul, such as an infidelity, divorce, child abuse, gossip, etc.
David was rejected by his brothers and was betrayed by a son. The Apostle Paul was betrayed by Dimas, Jesus was betrayed by Judas, etc. You have the option to grow bitter or overcome it, get angry and be unhappy or choose what Jesus did, that even knowing Judas would betray Him, He called him “friend.” If Jesus had been scared, He wouldn’t have come to give His life for us.

Maybe you’ve been discriminated against, abandoned, rejected, or hit, but you are not alone. Taking risks is difficult, but the greatest risk is not risking anything. Jesus took the risk of loving and not being loved back.
Satan is the enemy of our soul. He manipulates us and that’s why we haven’t dared to take the diamond that is inside of us out. Jesus took the risk and triumphed, and He is with us with His Holy Spirit to help us in all things.

I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”. (Philippians 4:13 NLT)

Think about it:

Which of these three fears do you need to overcome?
Have you let good opportunities pass you by out of fear?
How important are others’ opinions of you?