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Sacrifices and answers


And Israel took his journey… and came to Beersheba and offered sacrifices unto the God of his father Isaac. (Genesis 46: 1-3 KJV)

Today we will view three things that Jacob did that resulted in the blessing for all his family. They received the land of (Goshen) where they multiplied from a few, to millions.

What happened to Jacob?

1. He offered sacrifices. He came to a place called Beersheba and there he remembered God, who had blessed his father Isaac. We must always remember God with sacrifices. Our sacrifices are different from that time. Now we offer praises, prayers, fasts, offerings, service, etc.

2. He heard God and he responded. And God spoke unto Israel in the visions of the night, and said, Jacob, Jacob. And he said, here am I. (Gen. 46:2 KJV)

Apparently after offering sacrifices it was easier for him to perceive the voice of God. God keeps speaking to us, but we’re too busy to hear God’s direction for our lives.

We are constantly surrounded by noise and activity. We need to take that quiet time of prayer and regular fasting. We need rest from work one day each week and participate together at church worship and praise.

Curiously enough, when we do these things, we find it easier to discern what the will of God is in decisions we must make later. The other part is that we are the ones who should “want to hear” when God speaks. When God spoke to Jacob, he replied “Here I am.”

Have you known people who say, “I want God to speak to me”? but they want to hear what they want to hear. These individuals say, “God, speak to me,” but when God does, they act distracted because it was not what they expected to hear.

Example: It is said that at one time, there was a devout sister praying at the altar, begging God to give her direction, and to speak to her of what He wanted her to do in that new year. Suddenly the Lord spoke to her ear and said: “Daughter, I would like you to trust me with your tithes and to give me your first check this year as a first fruit offering.” It is said that the sweet sister immediately raised the intensity of her prayer and with much fervor said, “I rebuke the voice of the devil, I rebuke the devil.”

3. He received affirmation from God. And he said, I am God, the God of thy father: fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation: (Gen. 46: 3 KJV)

When you pray, God will answer you. When God answers you, you must obey. When you obey God, you must not fear. When you and I obey God, He will back us up, He will make our home, health, finances and our children prosperous. Like Israel (Jacob), what you do can result in the blessing of your whole family.

Think about it:

In what way would you like your family to be blessed through you?
What has God spoken to you? Do you take quiet time to hear his direction?
Have you obeyed to what God has asked of you?

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