#5. IN FEAR.
There are many people who are afraid of having their jobs taken away, fear of their finances, fear of what their boss tells them, etc. Those are fears of men, but whoever trusts in the Lord is well taken care of.
Does the disease intimidate you? When you are at peace with God, there should be no fear. Let us not be filled with fear, let us not make panic buys; everything will happen. Fear paralyzes, fear nulls faith, fear hinders miracles, embitters hearts, steals happiness in marriage, ruins the business you wanted to raise up, fear blinds you to not see the truth, etc.
We must learn to trust in God, for He is our salvation. He is the one who sends His angels to take care of us. He is our provider and we shall lack nothing. He is our healer and if God is with us, who can be against us?
Think about it:
What do you fear?
Have you allowed fear to steal your faith?
Do you know God’s promises for your life?
Have you placed your trust in God?