We recently learned about the cycle of bitterness, which begins with abuse, failure or loss. It becomes an offense and if we don’t forgive, anger and rage will come. Anger then turns into resentment which then becomes a root of bitterness, through which consciously or unconsciously desires of revenge will be present. It’s very dangerous if we don’t get rid of that bitterness because a demonic oppression comes into our lives.
How to be free from bitterness?
1. Recognize that there is bitterness or signs of it in our lives. You must be constantly cleaning yourself spiritually. Identify the areas in which you have had losses, recognize the signs through your behavior.
2. Surrender. We must recognize that we need help and stop fighting with our own strength. Ask the Holy Spirit for help, go to a spiritual retreat and surrender completely to God.
3. Renounce the lack of forgiveness. The windows of heaven cannot open if there is no forgiveness. Extend forgiveness to the people who have hurt you.
There is no other way to be free from bitterness. Renounce bitterness and begin a new generation free of resentment, anger, depression, revenge and begin to bear fruit of the Holy Spirit so that you can fulfill God’s purpose in your life.
Think about it:
What signs of bitterness have you recognized in yourself?
Have you asked the Holy Spirit for help?
Who do you have to forgive to start being free from all bitterness?