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Signs of bitterness


Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many. (Hebrews 12:15 NLT)

For several days we’ve been learning about bitterness, what it is, what it causes and the signs of it. Today we will learn about three other signs of bitterness:

1. It numbs with stupor. Stupor is like a surprise or an amazement, but to an extreme, so that it prevents a person from acting properly, it “freezes you” and does not let you think clearly. It disables you in solving problems in an efficient manner, you cannot think or act properly.
Example: it’s like when your leg falls asleep and you can’t walk or run. It doesn’t let you fight, pray, or serve. Bitterness has taken your mind and heart and binds you. You can’t move easily. One is jammed with bitterness, numbed and cannot see what God has for their life.

2. Kills generosity. The person becomes distrustful because of abuse suffered, therefore, they retain everything and become stingy, they do not tithe nor give offering. They do not serve, they do not give time, they do not help others; they concentrate on themselves, and that closes the heavens. There is no blessing.

3. Demonic activity. The devil kills you little by little. Through bitterness comes the spirit of depression, death, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.

 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. (James 3: 14-15 KJ60) 

Bitterness causes people to lose their purpose and destiny in God. They will never become what God designed them for. God created us with a purpose, but bitterness cancels out that purpose. If there is bitterness in your heart, decide to forgive and release it.

Think about it:

Have you stopped seeing what God has for your life?
Have you become distrustful of other people?
What can you do to get rid of bitterness?

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