We are also going to cross the lake of the corona virus and of the financial adversity. A storm has been unleashed, everything is being shaken, health, the economy, jobs, even companies as big as casinos that were supposed to be solid; but our faith should NOT be shaken, our family should not be shaken.
We must take time for the family and something good will come out of this. Let’s not lose sight of all the beautiful things that surround us, like our family, friends, spiritual family etc.
The disciples went to wake up Jesus and He said to them “Why are you afraid?” You have such little faith! Sometimes people’s faith can be shaken, and they are filled with panic.
But Jesus rebukes the storm and SUDDENLY there was a great calm.
There will be calm once again, but in the meanwhile keep your calm. Have peace, Have faith!
Let’s not forget to be generous and make a difference. Let’s not forget to be kind, Let’s not forget to be calm, to have peace and faith during these difficult times.
Tell the godly that all will be well for them. (Isaiah 3:10 NLT)
Think about it:
Do you feel like you’re in a storm?
Is Jesus in your boat?
Have you allowed the storms to steal your faith or have you kept it?
Have you kept peace in your home despite the external storms?